Nous félicitons le Groupe de travail qui a permis d'aboutir à 2 nouvelles Mentions complémentaires EP1 et 2 qui vont changer le paysage de la formation dans les années avenir pour les jeunes pâtissières et pâtissiers de demain et ce, dés la rentrée septembre 2024. Une belle initiative de la CNAP, la Confédération des Artisans Pâtissiers, communiquée par Le Journal du Pâtissier qui expose son importance pour permettre aux jeunes de progresser, d'évoluer avec de nouveaux savoirs et ainsi d'augmenter leur autonomie, avec des qualifications supplémentaires, essentielles.
A lire l'article en photo
sommes vraiment satisfaits que les jeunes en cours de formation puissent avoir accès à des formations indispensables et nouvelles pour ces futurs chefs qui achètent des matières premières et les
afin de pouvoir proposer en conscience, des gammes de produits finis sucrés de bonne qualité, avec des saveurs naturelles par leurs gouts bien maîtrisés, pour satisfaire le plus grand nombre de
pourront désormais acquérir les bases de l'analyse organoleptique, un sujet qui nous tient à cœur, 'des sciences du sensoriel au savoir gout' pour apprendre à identifier d'où vient l'origine du
gout de leurs pâtisseries. Ils sauront aussi s'autoévaluer et développer leur sens critique en apprenant à goûter.
sachant déguster, ils apprendront à modifier les saveurs et équilibrer les arômes en fabrication.
à la finale, ils pourront bien présenter leurs recettes artisanales encore plus créatives, et savoir en parler à leurs clients, avec les mots du gout, pour mieux vendre en boutique.
Les Compagnons du Devoir et du Tour de France
de s’être impliqués dans cette démarche qualité & gout depuis longtemps avec l'Institut des métiers du Gout, et leurs chefs enseignants particulièrement Savoirs Sucrés et
avec qui nous œuvrons à la transmission.
les membres de ce Groupe sont soucieux d'éduquer et de transmettre leurs savoirs et ils se sont particulièrement investis dans ces travaux pédagogiques, menés avec succès.
à toute l'équipe qui propulse au changement de nos futurs chefs, dans ces métiers en pleine mutation, toujours dans le sens de l'excellence, pour nourrir nos enfants de demain et ravir les palais
de tous les gourmands amateurs de flaveurs d'exception, grâce à notre unique Pâtisserie à la Française!
Thanks to Esprit Porcelaine créateur à Limoges Partner since 10 years
Planetgout's vocation is to develop strategic actions to support food quality chains, with the aim of maintaining quality players. Development support is proposed through quality approaches,
crossed with the Sensoriel&Gout, through ISO consulting and training services, and events based on value, such as the Sens&Chocolat International Festival.
work on a lot of food products, always with the aim of maintaining 'quality, tasty, ethical, fair and sustainable food production'.
order to pass on to professionals our knowledge of Taste, from raw materials to food, we offer a range of services through a new science called Gastrology, like the well-known science of
Oenology, but for the world of food on earth.
offer a wide range of innovative services, consulting and training modules: Sens&Produit, Sens&Chef, Sens&Pro entreprise, which we customize to meet our customers' needs.
example, the Sens&Chocolat Profiles of Eric LAMY's Chocolaterie Lamy analyzed 'Pure origine' chocolate bars, following the medals won at the World Chocolate Awards 'Pure origine' Ghana and
Sao Tomé 2023 (in the photos), enable saleswomen to sell better, with key taste words, for each bar, thanks to their unique aromatic wheels, thus explaining their flavors!
in taste, our artisans pass on their passion every day through their good products and their sensory talents, forming the Consumers' Actors of tomorrow's food future!
Jacques Puisais, docteur en sciences, a insufflé un mouvement d'éducation au goût, fondateur de l'Institut du Goût en France, il a su développer par la conscience du cœur, l'esprit du gouteur et
l'ame du goût; il disait souvent «Je goûte, donc je suis».
rends hommage à son œuvre d'éducateur au goût, d'abord des enfants aux professeurs, aussi des producteurs aux chefs, et en tant qu'œnologue mondialement réputé, des œnologues aux
œuvre a permis de participer à la préservation de notre Patrimoine alimentaire par sa passion du goût aussi en cuisine, avec les paysans et les chefs; aussi de veiller à maintenir notre
Patrimoine viticole, en valorisant plutôt les cépages ancestraux que les hybrides.
jamais qu'il a soutenu la préservation de notre éthique vigneronne, par des vins certifiés en AOC, dit d'Appellation d'Origine Contrôlé, avec l'INAO.
grâce à ces vignerons conscients que nous avons encore maintenant tous ces cépages dans nos provinces de France, avec encore 375 AOC spécifiques, bonifiés dans chacun de leurs terroirs, pour
ravir nos palais avec autant de vins, si savoureux, qui font la notoriété de la France dans le monde entier! Devenus amis, depuis 1997, Jacques venait régulièrement dans notre Centre d'Education
Sensorielle Alimentaire, et nous avons pu vivre de nombreuses expériences sensorielles en Limousin.
Jacques a été sollicité, pour faire revivre des vignes disparues, depuis le Phylloxéra...qui existaient déjà sur les Coteaux de La Vézère - AOC Vins de la Corrèze , depuis le VIème siècle! Cette
belle aventure prolonge encore l'esprit de Jacques Puisais, à travers ces vins qui proposent l'expression de roues aromatiques originales, des chenins replantés, qui bonifient la noblesse de
l'ardoise. Formée par Jacques, l'équipe continue et a obtenu l'AOC-AOP Corrèze pour la gamme des vins blancs «Les Périères», bravo!
2012, nous avons démarré notre Festival Sens&Chocolat , à vocation Internationale pour défendre cette fois 'l'esprit de l'AOC du Cacao selon ses origines, et j'ai demandé à mon ami Jacques
Puisais de devenir le Président de cet évent professionnel jusqu'en 2018.
disait au micro sur la photo que 'Comme le vin, le Chocolat 'pure origine' est un très bon acteur pour comprendre le Gout'. Nous le remercions d'avoir touché tant de gouteurs et ceux qui l'on
rencontré ne serait-ce qu'une seule fois, ne l'on jamais oublié.
gratitude à notre Merlin l'enchanteur du goût, qui inspire encore beaucoup de vrais terriens !
I was delighted to see
Gaia Cacao's
Venezuelan 🇻🇪 team at
Jennifer Cinefra
Mariana De La Rosa,
always energetic in promoting the great varieties of fine cocoa, the world's best Criollos from this wonderful country; also with
Carlos Navarro
Co of KKO Real as a partner, supported by
Hector Di Luca
to also sell a range of products from their delicious cocoa butter, to cocoa liqueur to different qualities of powders, in the spirit of "pure origin" Venezuela.
had the pleasure of being invited to Chuao, for an unforgettable meeting with the head of the plantations, where I was able to offer the planters a sensory tasting of their famous Criollos,
exceptional in the cocoa forest.
extraordinary sharing of emotions, with a passionate chocolatier from the
La Tienda Del Cacao,
the chef Janeth Gutierrez, who makes and offers chocolate tasting workshops of ancestral varieties, such as those from Chuao, but also from Ocumaré, in Canoabo... and the poet-photographer
José Rafael Rivero
, who immortalized in our memories these magical moments that link us to the land of Venezuela, à vitam eternam! Passionate about chocolate and cooking, he has also become a chef instructor at
the Delicias Escuela Gastronomica, promoting his country's taste culture. ¡Enhorabuena a todos!
Bravo aux organisateurs du 1er Salon des Vins Bio & Biodynamiques par
Demeter France
, ardent défenseur de production éthique et bio depuis toujours, avec aussi La Levée de la Loire .
vignerons vrais et conscients de ce qu’ils donnent à boire, nous ont offert leur terroir sur un plateau de goûts riches et variés, tous avec leur âme dans le flacon...Ce qui donne à chaque vin,
un bouquet de flaveurs autant remarquables que parfois étonnantes!. Comme disait mon ami Jacques Puisais, ces vins ont la personnalité de l’endroit, parce qu’issus de cépages ancestraux, élaborés
de façon naturelle, sont aussi à l’image des tripes du vigneron! Chacun exploite ses talents sensoriels, des cépages aux terroirs, des raisins aux vins... pour mieux maîtriser l’élaboration de
chaque flacon, par parcelle. Tous ces vignerons doivent être célébrés en étant chez nos cavistes et sur les tables des chefs...pour proposer aux consommateurs gourmets, leur oeuvre du goût.. Des
vins Bio & en Biodynamie qui préservent la terre et le cerveau des hommes, en ravissant leur palais car chacun de ces vins sont rares, purs et uniques. Encore merci à tous de nous avoir tant
American's got 'food products' talents in 2024
Specialty Food Association
Show, with the aim of guaranteeing quality and natural flavors, with innovations to be discovering.
Carlton Farms
is a family-owned producer of all-natural, artisan fresh pork, old school smoked pork and premium beef products, very good quality and so tasty, since 1956.
have partnered with family farmers who raise animals with methods, naturally and humanely, no hormones, no growth accelerants, proposing true taste products, as their delicious ham, bacon,
sausage, you have to taste it to understand it !
Anderson International Foods, Inc.
is the brainchild of Brigitte Mizrahi, with her passion for gourmet cheeses, by premium milk from small dairy farms, using vegetarian rennet, only fresh ingredients.
have come up with distinctive flavours, such a range of cheddar as truffle, also Brie packed with a dried fruit paste: figs, apricots, delicious combinations, ready to enjoy, a great idea of Omer
Wienrib team!
LaClare Creamery,
every effort is made to achieve perfection in terms of taste and quality, in order to produce delicious goat's cheeses.
cheese-making traditions, with respect for sustainability and transparency, to achieve extraordinary fresh flavours profiles, from their goat's cheese ranges, to hard cheeses, 100% artisanal,
that delight the palate with natural savoury. Try the pairing of cranberry cinnamon or maple bourbon, so much choice to change, as Nola Krueger told me!
Hightcountryfungus, is a small family-owned,
Daniel Stewart
goal is to offer the highest quality mushroom extracts and functional beverages, infused products, for fresh and hot new drinks, all organic. Test Magic Mocha with 5 muschrooms, cocoa and
expresso, without any sugar, non-dairy!
Wine Chips, Inc.
because they love wine and cheese, try Wine Ships pairings! Gouda's smoky cheese and salty-sweet flavour with Cabernet Sauvignon; Blue cheese shines with Sauvignon Blanc; Manchego cheese tastes
with Rosé!
by Jill Bommarito with her daughter Lily,
Ethel's Baking Company
is the original dessert bar business, since 2011. She continues to bake up old-fashioned flavors of Jill's grandmother catering, but also answered to craves gluten-free, non-processed desserts,
to cater for all those who are allergic, with a big dose of love! Test the Pecan Dandy dessert Bar, Crumble dessert or Chocolate Brownie, new tasty moments from snack to dessert, truly
Bill Lynch,
Specialty Food Association
president, was very pleased to value the
JETRO - Japan External Trade Organization
promote a Japan Pavilion at the Show, with a diverse selection of gastronomic delights that reflect an abundance of culinary treasures, the culturally rich regions, artisans, from
throughout Japan with more than 50 companies, from seafood to the famous Wagyu beef..., all products, that makes the typicity of taste, in japoneese cooking!
SALTS, founder of Asad Suttar, explains to me, that the pink salt is "The Purest Salt in the World", 100% pure, with no added chemicals or anti-caking agents. Himalayan Rock Salt has formed
over 250 million years ago, when extreme weathers and geological changes, including massive earthquakes trapped oceans underneath the earth’s crust; after it crystallized, formed solid rocks of
pure natural salt, now area called Northern Pakistan. - For Tsewang Nyima Founder CEO of BOD BAR, to promote HIMALAYAN Superfood is more than just a business venture, but a way connecting
with his roots and sharing his culture, while creating a positive impact through healthy, happy & kind living with others. BOD BARS are enriched with premium plant protein, BÖD TSAMPA is
ready-to-eat Tibetan Himalayan version of breakfast cereal, a nutritional powerhouse to provide energy for Tibetan mountaineers,,,
trademark Coaslink, means connecting all coasts of the world, believing in the deep connection between people and nature, through the foods we consume. Healthy & tasty foods, by their
technics and their secrets to create a very good range of original Shiitake Mushroom Chips, with really Umami's savor!
Montanaro opened a restaurant specializing in mushroom and truffles, then establishing
Tartuflanghe, in
1975. 20 hectares of truffle grounds, they daily harvest truffles, selected and classified according to their sensorial, aesthetic characteristics. The range of Truffle products, from salty to
sweet ones, have been awarded in major international competitions; searching for the perfect taste, and the absolute sensorial experience.
brings taste to the table and SIAL Paris 2022 Innovation winner. Pioneered by Michelin, chef Frank Lantz, Uhhmami is a vegan brand that transforms classic dishes, we all know and love into yummy,
plant-based alternatives flavorings and broths.. to create brand new tastes, using fresh, organic ingredients; as Truffle’ish serves as a substitute or supplement to truffle.
The original Gruyère Cheddar created by
Burnett Dairy Cooperative
and handcrafted in small batches, Wood River Creamery cheeses are masterfully crafted and aged to perfection. Their flavors include a range of cheeses with many choices such as: Wood River
Creamery Black Truffle with real Italian black truffles, or Vintage New Zealand Cheddar, a beautiful length in the mouth, through good aging, and many other recipes ..., so tasty!
A French Pavilion was present at the
Specialty Food Association
, with famous French companies to discover; thanks to the support of
Business France
team, such as Célia Mouthaud, very involved.
As for example, family
develops a strategic vocation to promote a responsible production, with delicious and healthy fruits. Their supply of raw materials is done with the greatest care. Their process transforms
them into purees, crushed fruits and coulis, all with a natural composition. Each production is monitored by identification and traceability of the fruits, ensuring quality control and food
Singerman value the Wild Hibiscus Flower, products very savory as specialty edible flowers and garnishing products for food and beverages delicious, hibiscus, also Butterfly Pea
flowers, Lotus root, Bulk dried flowers.
A full range of innovative flower products now includes Flowers In Syrup, Flower Teas, Flower Salt and Flower Extracts. All products are made by their team in their facility in Sydney,
Delicious for you, regenerative for the Earth as defend Jim Richards, CEO.
Ipek Erdosan explained to me,
is made with 100% of the finest raw macadamias, never roasted macadamia nuts in Türkiye. Its smooth, creamy texture and subtle, milky flavor make it perfect for drinking on its own or using in
smoothies, coffee, cooking, and baking, making it an excellent option for people with dietary restrictions or allergies.
Stevens tells me that Holly Xing, the chief formulating chemist at
grew up with traditional Chinese healing wisdom and developed a passion for food, science, and wellbeing, She has dedicated years to developing Eightbillion's product collection in Usa,
as JostArriba, aiming to maximize the benefits of natural healing botanicals.
Products that gives you a healthier brain, more focus, more energy and a better night's sleep; delicious and cost no more than a barista coffee.
Claremont experimented with this drink, for his NorthCape 4000's bicycle!
Espirito Cacau | Chocolate 100% Natural
de cacau from Brazil,Tree to bar, chocolate maker Paulo Gonçalves, propose single origin dark chocolate, from 70 to 85% of cocoa, intense and very tasty,
Non-GMO Project
verified, free of additives, non added flavoring; enjoy!
The Food Tech on CES 2024 ...Very interesting innovations around health, food, nutrition, and taste ...
NuraLogix Corporation
Lindsay Brennan
tells me with,
this simple application by just a selfie, you know quickly your healthie ! And as we know, health depends on way of life, stress and mostly of what you the quality of food with good
nutritional facts everyday. DeepAffex software permit everybody to be more conscious of their healthy state, in order to look after a better general only a photo of their face,
next will give the health insights. Great Ai Idea!
robots with a new vending machine design and a modern interface.
an American compagny, leader in Robotics and Entertainment, as explain to me the CO
Piny Vind,
we create a range of interactive food production robots...with attractive and funny design, in the World of sweet food products, always a modern interface to command and pay. The Food is produce
in front of you... as you decide your choices ! Ice cream for kids or adults with 6 flavors, Cotton Candy with 30 design, Pop corn...different tastes, sirops and garnitures.. The buyer of robots
and seller decide the quality of food products to create his own robots...Very convivial, as a sort of game to create yourself your Ice cream or Cotton Candy. Of course the kids love it, because
of all the range of possibilities from designs and tastes! These robots are the futur also to create food animations, in events too.
Fench Tech was very important in the CES this year, with all the compagnies in the organic way, digital, software innovations with more awareness to preserve the planet, soil, air,,
and of course Wine!
specialist in Wine cellars and cooling solutions.
wine feel good at home to keep and taste at the good temperature'.
range of Wine cellars, depend on how many bottles and location...
real guarantee of quality, to preserve the taste better with La Sommeliere, as the CO
Didier Grychta,
develop with passion, since 30 years.
à la
La French Tech
For CES Food Tech Planetgout Medias discovery ..Great innovation Hisense ConnectLife a concept...of AI software, to push education for cooking with a connected
Miguel Becerra
explain to me! From the TV cooking chef shows to collecte the receipes you want to eat ? Send to your personal center decided from your list of ingrédients, and spices
prepare your but what you need...the oven at the good temperature and the pairing suggestions connected your meal to the best wine storage ...great Idea of a european compagny
selling all the cooking materials, manage by Jonas Henger. We discover by
Ludovic de Nicolay
COO, a creative French compagny with a connected thermometer for barbecues...that American love so much to do, in a family and friends during food party! Innovation that value the most important,
the food taste.
We value this good Idea to promote the working women in Tech, Investments, & Startups...organized by V Agency during the
exhibit at Las Vegas.
by Priscilla Nakane PR, Events, and MarCom/Sales Expert, moderator, Weina Zhang CEO of Z Life and Elizabeth Cook Managing Partner of AI Capital gave testimonias of their experiences to develop
the succes compagny. Great examples to explain to women what to do to in order to create tomorrow their own business.
ambition and determination needs to reach your them as mentors to help on your project ? Of course you have to read this incredible Book on the best way to use the futur AI on
each market....with'll get invaluable advice. It is your chance yo go on your Dreams !
Milan Kordestani
a visionary we respect a lot ....and Priscillia to make these connexions possible, also in the good place of the city LV center by the quality of wellcome to reach us, with
Tyler Williams
development officier helping for projets.
Thanks to the general manager Alain Alpe who knows how to value the signature courses of Guy Savoy by his formidable team.
Great tastings to discover the best pairing.....for the finest taste by incredible services for the next Sense...sational Dinner. I apreciate the marvellous cooking of the Chef Nicola Costagliola
with sensory design..bravo!
Caesars Palace Las Vegas Hotel & Casino
Next event from the 13 to 21th January 2024
'To celebrate the taste of Winter'
with Véronique ANASTASIE
To book directly to CAESARS Entertainment
During Winter FANCY FOOD exhibit
for all food Producers, Baker, Pastry, Chocolate
in the Convention Center from January 21 to 23 th, 2024
'Photos souvenirs' to celebrate the taste of Winter...
Télécharger pour réserver
le document ci-dessous
Restaurant Guy SAVOY à LAS VEGAS
Soirée d'exception & dégustations
Caesars Palace - Las Vegas - Nevada
Big event IBIE 2019 lot of visitors, in IBIE 2022...
in the Convention Center of Las Vegas
Tendencies in USA : ingredients for clean label, with best nutrition facts,
sustainable food and green superfood.
Informations on the clean Label, with an very good educate program
New tendencies : no gluten, natural products, sustainable
Experts, services and all baker and pastry confederations
Master class, demonstrations and tastings
Varieties of raw materials from walnuts, peanuts, pecan nuts, prunes, vanilia : quality and taste
French chefs in their Pastry schools
French material with HydroProcess to cut food by pression water
French products with Noël chocolate
Innovations and creativity from the baker to the pastry chef
American chefs for ice, design and colors pastries
French chef in american compagnies too
For all meeting, it was really great to savor, all these products by delicious tastings !!
Felicitations to all the team to have organized this important event IBIE
A very good place to develop your company for all the BtoB market!
'Photos souvenirs' to celebrate the taste of Spring...
An unparalleled culinary tour de force for the 10th anniversary Vegas Uncork’d Grand Tasting promises to be the best, organized by Bon Apetit, for the 50 years old birthday of the Caesars Palace.
For our pleasure of taste, great signature dishes, to discovered from 50+ renowned chefs, as the famous French chef Guy Savoy of course with Julien Asseo in Vegas, Restaurant Guy Savoy ! A lot of very great Chef too as Gordon Ramsay, uncredible moment to enjoy this meeting by taste...
A moment of emotional sharing tasty, by the talents of chefs at the famous Vegas Uncork’d Grand Tasting in Las Vegas, as always in the middle of the luxe garden of Gods Pool Oasis at Caesars Palace.
A convivial evening to sample signature dishes, with the meeting of the chefs, as Julien Asseo, the chef of Guy Savoy and Gordon Ramsay, who came especially for this unique evening, celebrating 50 years of Caesars Palace.
Los Angeles
Los Angeles septembre au centre des expositions de Pasadena